Based on your profile as a player, we collect data and create a presentation to start the promotion with different clubs and together we look for the tools required for your early adaptation.
- Club
We know how European clubs work, structure and the type of talents they are looking for. Adecuamos la información para crear el perfil de interés para estas instituciones.
- City
It is important to know the cost of living, logistics and cultural factors for your early adaptation and that of your family.
- The League
Since everyone has characteristics that make them unique, we evaluate your skills to determine the league that will benefit you in your professional growth.
- Wages and salaries
It is very important that you are aware of the salaries that are managed to create a constant growth plan focused on your goals.
- Scouting
We know the talent search and selection methods of the main clubs, as well as key people in the organizations to achieve the transfer to a club that benefits you in your career.